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CBD and Alcohol

Health and wellness enthusiasts go crazy when they hear the word CBD. This compound is getting wide attention for the many benefits people are recognizing it to have. CBD is known to provide a wide range of therapeutic benefits, to the point where the demand for CBD oil is higher than ever. Experts are also exploring the relationship between CBD and Alcohol.

There is now growing research exploring the role of CBD in alcohol use disorder and how CBD may even help prevent liver damage, all while working without the addictive properties that alcohol seems to come with. This is opening new avenues to how CBD can be used and is leading to an increased popularity.

From what we currently know and what users have claimed to experience, CBD is said to be a well-tolerated compound with little to no side effects or addictive tendencies. While there is research that suggests that CBD has the potential to help reduce alcohol consumption or any other adverse effects of alcohol, this needs to be studied in further detail to conclude.

Through this article, we will explore how CBD and alcohol interact with each other and also understand what the existing research says about the combined effects they can offer. We will also go on to discover more about how CBD could offer a therapeutic use in reducing alcohol-related damage. We will also understand the safety aspect of consuming CBD and Alcohol together.

What is CBD?

CBD or Cannabidiol is a compound that is extracted from the hemp plant and is said to be the main non-psychoactive compound present in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD does not offer a “high” to the users when consumed.  

CBD is often considered a goldmine of bioactive compounds which include terpenes and flavonoids. These compounds are often said to be the reason behind the health and therapeutic benefits that CBD offers. From what we know from the existing research, CBD is known to be able to help with chronic pain, reduce signs of anxiety and depression, and also alleviate symptoms of epilepsy. 

There is also ongoing research about CBD’s potential to help reduce inflammation and can also help mitigate cravings. Owing to all these benefits, CBD has become a go-to choice for anyone looking for natural remedies for existing conditions that they are looking to address.

Effects of CBD and Alcohol on the Body

We tend to experience a range of positive effects after consuming CBD primarily because of its interaction with the body’s ECS. CBD offers a calming effect to its users because it directly interacts with the central nervous system. This has also been confirmed by a lot of research out there where CBD was found to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression in a significant manner. 

This was further confirmed by a study that Scott Shannon conducted which went on to show how when participants consumed CBD, they experienced a reduced level of anxiety during public speaking. CBD is also associated with helping improve sleep quality after consumption, where it was seen that people with sleep-related issues were able to sleep faster.

CBD is also said to have anti-inflammatory capabilities, along with the ability to help with pain relief. This makes it great for anyone with chronic illnesses like arthritis, etc. Due to these benefits, CBD is continuing to gain vast popularity with people who are looking to seek a natural remedy for the health issues they are facing. 

While CBD is known to have a lot of benefits and is said to be well tolerated when consumed, alcohol on the other hand comes with many negative side effects that can prove to be fatal. Chronic consumption of alcohol could potentially cause cardiovascular problems, and neurological damage and also cause liver-related issues that could be fatal.

There is also research that suggests that people who consumed alcohol regularly experienced impaired cognitive function and their psychomotor function declined significantly. Alcohol is also addictive and may worsen anxiety and depression among users, causing long-term damage. 

CBD Can supposedly have effects like:

  • A decrease in appetite.
  • A reduction in cravings.
  • Reduced sense of anxiety and stress.
  • A Calm nervous system.

On the other hand, when you look at alcohol and the effects it has on an individual when consumed, it is vastly different from CBD. The effects of Alcohol include:

  • A sense of sedation. 
  • Drowziness, 
  • Decreased motor functioning. 
  • Impaired cognition.
  • A worsened sense of anxiety and depression when consumed regularly.

What Happens When You Mix CBD and Alcohol?

So, what happens if you mix alcohol and CBD? This is a question that is gaining more attention now than ever. So, we are here to answer the same. 

When you mix CBD with alcohol, there are a mix of effects that users will go on to experience. The complexity of these effects is still being studied however, it has been found that when consumed together, the feeling of relaxation and calmness one experiences is amplified. While this can be a great feeling for many users, some people have experienced poor motor performance and have had an altered sense of reality. 

One study showed how users who consumed alcohol and CBD together showed that they had difficulty maintaining coordination and could not perceive time all that well in comparison to users who consumed alcohol alone. While the reactions that CBD and alcohol have together needs further study, it has been observed that CBD can potentially help avoid or prevent some harmful effects caused by alcohol.

Some studies suggest that CBD can reduce the risk of liver damage and may even help prevent cell damage. While these effects are great, the impaired cognition that comes with the mixing of CBD and Alcohol can lead to accidents and injuries that can prove fatal. This mix of CBD and alcohol can lead to an increased sedation as CBD often masks the effects of alcohol, leading the users to underestimate the “high” they feel.

There are limited studies on this particular area of CBD effects but in some cases, it was found that the blood alcohol levels dipped significantly when alcohol was consumed with CBD versus when just alcohol was consumed. This shows how CBD can affect the alcohol metabolism within the body. 

There are people who are exploring the relationship between CBD oil and alcohol. However, we need more studies in this area along with necessary safety regulations that need to be established. This will help ensure that CBD and Alcohol are mixed in a manner that does not cause serious side effects and will help users effectively experience the benefits.

Benefits of Alcohol And CBD Oil

The mixed effects of CBD and alcohol are an area that experts are still looking into as we have mentioned already. However, the preliminary results have been promising enough to grab people’s attention. The current research suggests that CBD can help prevent some of the harmful effects that are caused by alcohol, so it can be a great addition to folks who enjoy social drinking. 

While minimizing the effects of alcohol is the primary reason why the mix of CBD and alcohol is gaining attention, there are more benefits that this combination can seemingly offer:

  • Reduced Anxiety and Stress: Users who have combined CBD and Alcohol have said that they felt an enhanced calming effect where they experienced the best of both substances. This led to a decreased sense of anxiety and stress. So this mix of both compounds can create a relaxed effect that lasts long.

  • Enhanced Relaxation: As suggested earlier, with a reduced sense of anxiety and stress, the user experiences a sense of calm, which helps in unwinding after a long hard day. 

  • Possible Neuroprotective Properties: From the studies conducted on CBD so far, we know that CBD is said to have neuroprotective properties where it is said to have capabilities to protect the brain against neurodegenerative illnesses like alzheimers, etc. These properties can help counteract the negative effects that the alcohol would go on to have on the brain.

  • Reduction in Alcohol-Related Side Effects: Alcohol can cause a range of side effects like nausea, headaches, and hangovers. CBD can help alleviate some of these side effects which could make the entire experience of drinking more enjoyable as a whole.

  • Potential for Reduced Alcohol Consumption: While some of the newer studies are at a preliminary stage, they suggest that CBD may be helpful against the craving one would have towards alcohol. This can help users suffering from addictions and can promote a healthy drinking habit among users. This way, CBD can reduce alcohol dependency.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: When one indulges in heavy drinking, they experience inflammation in various parts of the body. CBD can help alleviate that and can also help prevent liver damage, offering the right aid one needs.

Potential Harmful Effects of Mixing CBD and Alcohol

While the benefits and overall effects discussed about CBD and Alcohol mixed may sound exciting, we still need to ask, can you take CBD and alcohol together? 

It is important to note that mixing CBD and alcohol can cause potentially harmful side effects as well. Users must be aware of these side effects before attempting to try the mix to ensure they have a safe experience. 

Since both alcohol and CBD are compounds that interact with the central nervous system directly, a combination of these two can increase the sedating effects and cause drowsiness. This combination can also lead to an impaired motor function of the user and also increase the sense of fatigue that one may experience. 

All of these effects when combined can increase the risk of accidents and injuries further. Adding to this further, this combination can cause a drop in blood pressure which could lead to dizziness or in some rare cases, passing out. Aside from this, there have been claims of how mixing CBD and alcohol can affect the motor abilities of an individual as well as the perception of time.

When consumed together, the effects of both CBD and alcohol are intensified, the adverse effect one may experience from consuming these substances together can lead to adverse effects. Knowing them, users should be cautious when they consume CBD and Alcohol, both individually and especially when consumed together.

CBD May Impact The Effects Of Alcohol

When you are looking at how CBD can have effects on the alcohol that is consumed along with any additional benefits it may offer, below is what we need to understand:

May Prevent Cell Damage and Disease

From the research that has been conducted on CBD, it is clear that CBD is said to have capabilities to help prevent cell damage. One common side effect that arises when one consumes alcohol excessively is cell damage, especially the liver cells. CBD can help prevent that. CBD can also help with any inflammation that may arise from alcohol use. 

May Reduce Blood Alcohol Levels

While studies in this area are few in number, there is still a lot of research that suggests that when CBD and alcohol are consumed together, the blood alcohol levels are significantly lower than when just alcohol is consumed. This shows that CBD can influence how alcohol metabolizes wAlzheimersbody. This can help people maintain a lower level of intoxication. 

Be Therapeutic for Alcohol Addiction

Aside from the already existing benefits that we discussed, there is also emerging research that shows how CBD can be used on people who suffer from alcohol addiction. CBD is said to be able to reduce the cravings one could experience after consuming CBD, reducing the dependency on alcohol. This will be explored further in the next part of the article.

CBD as a Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

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If you are someone who knows about for and has done enough research, you must also be aware of the addiction it can cause habits. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a common occurence in many alcohol users and it tends to cause a serious addiction where the user has a continuous urge to consume alcohol. It is said that people often tend to get addicted to alcohol because og factors that are genetic, psychological and environmental in nature. 

AUD can destroy an individuals life with it not only affecting the person’s social life and relationships but also taking a toll on the physical and mental health of the indivdual. AUD can cause health issues like liver disease, heart problems and even cancer. From an emotional and interpersonal perspective, the individual goes through immense suffering with a significant decline in quality of life. 

Now that we know the severity of the issue, it is important to note that very few individuals get the kind of treatment that could prove to be effective. This is why the research around CBD and how it can help against AUD is crucial. There is research now which shows how CBD can help reduce the cravings of alcohol one may experience which can be great to manage the addiction.

CBD could also be used to help against any withdrawal symptoms at the time of recovery from the addiction. CBD may also help with any alcohol related damage as it is known to be neuroprotective. While we certainly need human trials to conclude, the use of CBD for alcohol certainly is a positive area of research. 

There are often people looking at how CBD gummies and alcohol may have a positive relationship together. However, despite the many effects of CBD gummies and alcohol or any other trending product in the market, the research is what should be a deciding factor.

Is It Safe to Mix CBD and Alcohol?

Now that we have discussed the benefits and the safety concerns of when CBD is mixed with alcohol, we can go on to look at the question, Is It Safe to Mix CBD and Alcohol?

There is not enough research out there to conclude if mixing CBD with alcohol is absolutely safe or not. However, from what we know about CBD and it’s interaction so far, we can certainly say that there may be some positive effects. CBD is said to significantly lower the presence of alcohol in the blood. 

This shows that CBD can potentially help with alcohol being motabolized in a much faster manner. This can help an individual keep a tab on their level of intoxication and not go through extreme spirals. However, it is important to note that this combination of substances can also cause side effects. 

Research suggests that when CBD and alcohol are mixed, it can significant impairment in the motor g, can cause low blood pressure, and can also lead to an altered perception of time. This mix of substances can also lead to increased sedation that one would experience, which can cause dizziness. 

Keeping these factors in mind, it is important to consume both CBD and alcohol in moderation and work with a medical expert before mixing both substances.

Read Also: Can CBD Help You Quit Smoking?


Now that we have understood both CBD and alcohol better, we also have an understanding of the potential benefits one could experience when these substances are mixed. We understood how mixing CBD and alcohol could offer dual benefits of both substances like an enhanced sense of relaxation, reduced anxiety, etc. But it can come with side effects like a reduced blood pressure, increased seadation, etc. So like with any substance, moderation is always key. However, there is growing research about how CBD could help mitigate side effects that could be caused by the use occurrence which is driving more people towards CBD.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is possible for you to consume alcohol and then take CBD after. However, keep in mind that when both these substances are combined, the sedation that one whence is considerably individual’s motor skills are seemingly impaired. So make sure to monitor how your body responds.

From what some earl; individual suggests, CBD can help counter some effects that alcohol may cause. CBD can help reduce nausea, the effects of anxiety and can provide a relaxing effect. CBD may also help reduce the cravings for alcohol one may experience as well.

While this is an area that is still being researched, there are some studies that have shown that CBD can help in reducing the blood alcohol levels significantly. This shows how CBD can help metabolise alcohol. However, we need more research in this area to confirm this further.

Some research suggests how CBD can help in cell protection and can in turn help in protecting the liver and can combat the damage that is often caused by alcohol. However, this research is at an early stage. It is important to work with a healthcare expert to understand the effects of alcohol better and moderate it accordingly.

It is often preferred and even recommended to wait a few hours after consuming CBD oil before consuming alcohol. This prevents the interaction of these substances and can avoid side effects.

Yes, you can consume alcohol after taking CBD gummies. However, keep in mind that you will have to be extra cautious. These two substances when interacting with each other can cause side effects and can impair motor skills. Please monitor the effects and adjust your dosage accordingly.

Yes, you can drink wine while you are using CBD oil. However, you need to keep in mind that CBD cab enhance the sedation you could feel when mixed with alcohol and can also impair your motor skills and cause drowsiness. Do consider working with a healthcare professional to understand these effects better.

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